
Nurse Practitioner

We have a Nurse Practitioner - Sarah Butler working with us who specialises in minor illnesses and will see patients with a wide range of problems which fit into this category.

Contraceptive Services

We provide a range of contraceptive and family planning services including advice for teenagers.  In the first instance, please make an appointment with a Doctor.  Follow-up care including repeat prescriptions is normally managed by the nursing team.

Sexual Health Clinics

Please click here for information on the Aneurin Bevan University Health Board Sexual Health services and clinics:

Cervical Cytology (Smears)

Women are invited to attend for screening by the Cervical Screening Wales Service.  On receipt of the invite letter please phone 01633 613131. The nursing staff are responsible for carrying out cervical smear tests.

If you have any unusual symptoms such as bleeding after sex or between periods, you should see your doctor, even if you have had a recent negative test.

Please click here for information about Cervical Screening Wales

Breast Screening

Breast screening looks for breast cancer before symptoms show. This involves taking mammograms, which are x-rays of the breast. Women aged from 50 up to 70 are invited for breast screening every 3 years.

Please click here for more information

Child Health

  • The Well Baby Clinics are by appointments only. 
  • Child immunisations are done at the surgery by appointments only.
  • General advice from the Health Visitors can be obtained by telephoning 01633 619090.

Blood Clinics

Blood clinics as follows:

  • Risca Surgery - ring reception - 01633 613131 - Monday, Tuesday or Friday - varying times available please telephone to enquire.       

Diabetic Clinic

Diabetic clinics are held at the surgery, where patients are seen by practice nurses with a special interest in diabetes. Patients are requested to have their bloods and urine sent to the laboratory 2 weeks before their clinic appointment so that the results are back in time. Medication reviews can be carried out at this appointment to update repeat prescriptions, so no doctor"s appointment is necessary unless the nurses are concerned. With regular checkups booked depending on patient results,they will become familiar with the nursing team.

To book any of these clinics please ring 01633 613131.


Asthma patients are required to be monitored in asthma clinic annually, or when clinically necessary. This is to ensure that patients are taking inhalers appropriately and the dosage of medication. Patients are taught how to manage their asthma themselves with a management plan, so they are in control. The clinics are run by practice nurses who have a special interest in asthma. At the appointment, repeat prescriptions will be updated to last until the next appointment, which will be given according to the control of symptoms.

For an appointment please ring Risca Surgery on 01633 613131.

Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease

We run Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease clinics at the surgery. The clinics are run by nurses with a special interest in Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease, and are run on a selection of days. The aims of these clinics are to give support and advice about inhalers or symptoms that patients would like to discuss. At this appointment repeat prescriptions will be updated if there are no problems.

For an appointment please ring Risca Surgery on 01633 613131.